Personally, I think homeschooling is a temporary solution for the pandemic. I completely understand why parents are concerned about sending their kids into a potential petrie dish. But, long term, I don't think it could be sustained. As you said, we will be eventually required to report back to the office and life will return to a 'new 'normal.
School is important not just for learning but the social environment. I have grave fears about the school-aged kids who have had to isolate when our culture is already so technologically driven. When with others, kids learn to share, wait their turn and communicate. They realize that people have different looks, needs, cultures...even eat alternative foods and dress differently.
I raised 3 kids and was grateful they went to school to see this for themselves. If we entrust parents with homeschooling as the norm, we change considerably the way our kids are educated. It depends solely on their opinions and perspectives. While some can - and do - and amazing job of accomplishing this, others can't, won't and don't. We then risk social deprivation when the opposite is key to worldly, collaborative and broad-minded citizens of the future