I still find your title is misleading - as others have commented.
What you fail to mention too is the co-morbidities people often have when they become really sick- such as obesity and the disabled. To boot those who are in minority racial and ethnic groups also can become more ill.
I'm concerned you have just given more fodder for the anti-vaxxers. As long as the virus has a means to mutate it will stick around. Vaccination gives our immune systems a boost to tackle it should we become infected. They have no idea how long the vaccines will be effective for and booster shots may be required ( are already being given)
Yes vaccinated people are still getting the virus. I'd like to see the facts on who; their age and whether they also have comorbidities. Let's be honest here, they wouldn't get it if it was eliminated and that ain't happening as long as people defy social distancing and masking rules and refusing to get vaccinated.
Look back historically at polio Is it around now? Nope. Why not? Because people were vaccinated.
What about smallpox? Nope! Why? People were vaccinated. ( hope this link works!)