I haven't followed these trucker protests as closely as I should have but from what I have read, it was a shit stirrer stirring shit. A rowdy and committed few saw an opportunity to take the bull by the horns and run with whatever floated their boat regarding vaccines, mandates and rights.
It always made me laugh the initial complaint was 'apparently' having to be vaccinated to get back into Canada when they had to be vaccinated to get into the USA in the first place. The point was mute.
I despise people running on coat tails at the best of times and this is a perfect example of a group of people running a-mock and raising merry hell just to sway a few and trying to fry more fish in the pan than it will hold.
After 3 weeks I was wondering how on earth they could sustain it given work obligations etc. Clearly, they're not working or how could they sustain the protest?
I sympathize with the real truckers who have been implicated in this nonsense.
Unfortunately, we live in a world full of the righteous who are completely selfish.
BTW - I did see that amazing polyglot!
Great story Tessa.