As a mother who breastfed and THEN became a postpartum nurse - and not therefore representing lactation consultants; more my personal opinion of experience both as a mother and a nurse - breastfeeding IS a huge challenge .
I stupidly thought it was going to be easy because it was a natural thing to do. It is extremely challenging to initiate with your first born, but after that it is like riding a bike.
What kept me going was the knowledge that breast was best - and so convenient and cheap in comparison to formula feeding. It was more than worth its weight in gold, to coin a phrase.
What is lacking is support for new moms and to change the attitude that it is in the 'too hard basket' so new mom's give it up because there are easier options available.
We have breasts for a reason - and they are not to oggle at or for sexual pleasure!
Feel free to check out my story on giving birth which also talks about breastfeeding